45- I'm ready for you!


Today is the last day I am 44 years old.

This is the first year that I really felt ok openly admitting my age out on social media.

I teach my clients to embrace who they are right now. But it isn't always easy for me to do the same.

I've always had a round and full face, so I looked younger than my age. In my 20s I wanted people to take me seriously so badly. In my 30s, even though I had built up experience and expertise in my field, I still never felt that way because my colleages always assumed I was at least 5 years younger than I was.

Looking back now I feel so much of my time was wasted and so many people could have been served if I had gotten over my B.S. ageism and just did my thing.

So now I'm in my 40s and I'm going to own it, damnit.

Yes, I still get surprised looks when I say my age. Yes, I still shrink a little inside. But that's ok.

I can take it as the compliment that it is and also be assured that I can serve my clients well with experience and confidence.

Mid forties, I'm ready for you!

Photo: Alice G. Patterson, Makeup: AListArtistry